Final Fantasy Tactics: Name Fix Patch PlayStation

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This is a relatively simple hack that fixes Ability, Equipment, Job/Monster, Treasure, and Unexplored Land names in Final Fantasy Tactics to something a bit more recognizable with today's FF terms. This is meant to be done without affecting the original translation much as well as fixing translation errors, so the plot dialog has not been changed. Because of this the name changes are not 100% the same as War of the Lions: this patch uses a few WOTL terms, but also many already existing FF terms as sources. Most of the terms lifted are those in the GBA and PS1 eras to provide some familiarity with the games it was made around, as well as the originally used Japanese names.

Spell Quotes and the like were also changed to reflect these alterations, along with a few fixes to such.

A text file has been provided with all the changes, as well as .ffttext files for those who wish to use this in making further edits or their own projects.

Application instructions:

This is an xDelta patch, use your patcher of choice on your Bin/ISO and you should be good to go. TextFix is the main patch. The changes only in TextFix Altered are listed in the bottom of this list. No Suffixes uses the number system in spells as opposed to suffixes (2/3/4 instead of -ra/-ga-ja).

Always use a clean Bin/ISO when applying. Don't patch one on top of another.

Job Ability Names:
Cure 2>Cura
Cure 3>Curaga
Cure 4>Curaja
Raise 2>Arise (Life/Full-Life/Auto-Life could've worked too, however Raise is an already existing term.)
Protect 2>Protectga
Shell 2>Shellga
Fire 2>Fira
Fire 3>Firaga
Fire 4>Firaja
Bolt 2>Thundara
Bolt 3>Thundaga
Bolt 4>Thundaja
Ice 2>Blizzara
Ice 3>Blizzaga
Ice 4>Blizzaja
Haste 2>Hastega
Slow 2>Slowga
Don't Move>Immobilize
Demi 2>Graviga (Quarter/Demi is an idea too, however Graviga is a term that already exists and fits with the naming scheme, plus there's a third ability in the line.)
Bizen Boat>Osafune
Wiznaibus>Knife Dance (A literal translation of this ability is "With Knives" and I think that sums up the effects nicely while still fitting the original translation's naming scheme.)
Spin Fist>Spinning Fist
Repeating Fist>Pummeling Fist
Earth Slash>Earth Render
Secret Fist>Death Touch (Secret Hole Fist may refer to punching the Death point in qigong internal healing also known as dim mak, or Death Touch as it’s referred to in the west.)
Stigma Magic>Purify
Gil Taking>Steal Gil
Steal Accessry>Steal Accessory
Water Ball>Torrent (There was no way around updating a lot of the Elemental abilities: Blizzard is already used, and many Elemental abilities are references to FFV's Gaia list or FFVI’s dancing.)
Hell Ivy>Tanglevine
Carve Model>Engrave
Local Quake>Tremor
Kamaitachi>Wind Slash
Demon Fire>Ignis Fatuus
(A word about why this is used instead of Will-O’-the-Wisp: the hyphen character in FFT is bugged in that it’s improperly spaced, making any attempt at such stand out horribly. This means the same thing while sidestepping the issue.)
Quicksand>Bottomless Bog
Sand Storm>Sandstorm
Gusty Wind>Gust
Head Break>Helm Break (This functionally makes more sense.)
Heaven Thunder>Heavenly Thunder
(Truth/Un-Truth went through a lot of revisions and needed to be dealt with. See the FAQ and Credits doc for everything about that.)
Diamond Sword>Adamantine Sword
Hydragon Pit>Hydra Maelstrom (A melding of both the original and WOTL)
Space Storage>Celestial Void
Heaven Thunder Back>Infernal Thunder
Asura Back>Infernal Ashura
Diamond Sword Back>Brimstone Sword
(Admantine means unbreakable, Brimstone is very breakable.)
Hydragon Pit Back>Hyudra Maelstrom (Like the monster catalog.)
Space Storage Back>Corporeal Void
Sky Demon Back>Infernal Demon
Ice Bracelet>Ice Breath
Fire Bracelet>Fire Breath
Thunder Bracelet>Thunder Breath
Holy Bracelet>Holy Breath
Dragon Power Up>Dragon Might
Dragon Level Up>Dragon Speed
Stick (throw)>Pole
Don't Act>Disable
Split Punch>Splitting Strike (I'm confident that Punch was somehow a mistranslation of Strike; literal translations point to Strike in every one of these that call it Punch.)
Crush Punch>Polaris Crush (As in the North Star. This used to be for Blastar Punch but it ended up more indicitive of this.)
Lightning Stab>Lightning Thrust
Shellbust Stab>Shellbust Thrust
Blastar Punch>Starbomb Strike
Hellcry Punch>Hellscream Strike
MBarrier>Magic Barrier
Deathspell 2>Cleanse

Enemy/Monster Abilities:
Despair 2>Dispelga
Shadow Stitch>Shadowbind
Stop Bracelet>Last Breath
Death Cold>Ague
Bio 2>Biora
Bio 3>Bioga
Toad 2>Toadga
Gravi 2>Gravija
Flare 2>Flarega
Blind 2>Blindga
Confuse 2>Confusega
Sleep 2>Sleepga
Return 2>Returnga
Ice Bracelet>Ice Breath
Fire Bracelet>Fire Breath
Thunder Bracelet>Thunder Breath
Turn Punch>Whirlwind
Self Destruct>Self-Destruct
Shake Off>Pickaxe
Wave Around>Pickaxe Spin
Blow Fire>Breathe Fire
Black Ink>Ink (Some may say this one is nitpicking. However, this also seems to be a reference to the same ability in FFVI's Ultros.)
Look of Devil>Devil's Gaze
Look of Fright>Dread Gaze
Odd Soundwave>Dischord
Clam Spirit>Calm Spirit
Throw Spirit>Ectoplasm
Grease Touch>Oily Touch
Death Sentence>Doom (Note that this is only for the monster ability! The Talk Skill is unchanged.)
Scratch Up>Talon Scratch
Shine Lover>Shiny!
Straight Dash>Reckless Dash
Nose Bracelet>Snort
Bad Bracelet>Bad Breath
Moldball Virus>Malboro Virus
Stab Up>Gore
Sudden Cry>Heave
Triple Bracelet>Triple Breath
Midgar Zolom/Swarm>Midgardsormr (This can also be Jormungand or one of it's other written names. It is however more commonly known in FF, and more importantly the prioritized sources, by this name)

Counter/Support Abilities:
Dragon Spirit>Dragonheart
Auto Potion>Auto-Potion
Counter Magic>Return Magic
Sunken State>Vanish
Weapon Guard>Parry
MP Switch>MP Shield
Meatbone Slash>Bonecrusher
Counter Flood>Nature's Wrath
Absorb Used MP>Absorb MP
Gilgame Heart>Gil Snapper (This is named after a monster in other FF games; outside Japan it's named Gil Snapper/Turtle instead of Gilgame.)
Finger Guard>Earplug
Arrow Guard>Block Arrows
Secret Hunt>Poach
Monster Skill>Beastmaster
Monster Talk>Beast Tongue (I was originally against this, however it doesn't feel right not matching with Beastmaster.)
Two Hands>Doublehand
Two Swords>Dual Wield
Half of MP>Half MP
Gained JP UP>JP Boost
Gained EXP UP>EXP Boost
Attack UP>Attack Boost
Defense UP>Defense Boost
Magic Att. UP>Magic Boost
Magic Def. UP>MDef. Boost
Move HP Up>HP Stroll
(There are very few places where abilities like this are localized as they are rare in FF necessitating an exception; the Stroll moniker actually comes from FFX. Lifefont does appear in FFIV but as a mistranslation.)
Move MP Up>MP Stroll
Teleport 2> Teleportga
Walk on Water>Swim (Walk on Water and Move in Water were originally switched around by accident.)
Move in Water>Walk on Water (Now you can easily tell these apart.)
Move on Lava>Walk on Lava
Move Underwater>Waterbreathing
Move Find Item>Treasure Hunt

Skillset names:
-Elemental>Geomancy (It's mentioned in Nature's Wrath's description, so I assume this was intended.)
(Phantom Beast is usually localized to Esper, and this is a summon set.)

Skillset descriptions:
-Updated with new job names.
-Fixed "Clerk" in a Cleric skillset.
-Fixed a White Mage mention in the Priest's skillset.

Ability Descriptions:
-All Geomancy now refers to the correct terrain names.
-Ground Type and all terrain names are now properly capitalized.
-Fixed a very obviously missing "the" and various missing spaces in Geomancy.

Spell Quotes:
-Relevant spell quote changes have been updated for consistency, and have also been fixed so that all of them now end with punctuation.
-All spell quotes actually talk about the spell they're casting. For example, Steady Sword>Stasis Sword.
-Inconsistencies in Summon names (Rich/Lich for example) have been fixed.

Equipment Names:
Platina Dagger>Platinum Dagger
(While Platina is something that exists, these have always been made of straight Platinum.)
Hidden Knife>Hidden Edge (The idea here is to differentiate these from actual Knives.)
Ninja Knife>Kunai
Short Edge>Kodachi
Spell Edge>Spellbinder
Sasuke Knife>Sasuke Edge
Iga Knife>Iga Edge
Koga Knife>Koga Edge
Broad Sword>Broadsword
Long Sword>Longsword
Ice Brand>Icebrand
Asura Knife>Ashura
Koutetsu Knife>Kotetsu
Bizen Boat>Osafune
(Bizen-Osafune would not be a bad compromise here, however FF has always localized this as just Osafune outside of MMOs. It also leaves a bit of worry when dealing with spacial issues.)
Bow Gun>Bowgun
Cross Bow>Crossbow
Night Killer>Knight Killer
Long Bow>Longbow
Ultimus Bow>Artemis Bow
Ramia Harp>Lamia Harp
Madlemgen>Omnilex (The term Madlemgen is abbreviating is a little too long, so this looks a little better.)
Cypress Rod>Cypress Pole
Musk Rod>Musk Pole
Gokuu Rod>Gokuu Pole
Ivory Rod>Ivory Pole
Octagon Rod>Octagon Pole
Platina Shield>Platinum Shield
Platina Helmet>Platinum Helmet
Triangle Hat>Wizard Hat
Chain Mail>Chainmail
Plate Mail>Platemail
Platina Armor>Platinum Armor
Leather Outfit>Leather Garb
Leather Vest>Leather Plate
Chain Vest>Chain Plate
Adaman Vest>Adamant Vest
Wizard Outfit>Wizard Garb
Judo Outfit>Judo Uniform
Power Sleeve>Power Garb
Earth Clothes>Gaia Gear
Secret Clothes>Ninja Gear
Black Costume>Black Garb
Rubber Costume>Rubber Suit
Spike Shoes>Spiked Boots
Rubber Shoes>Rubber Boots
Sprint Shoes>Hermes Shoes
Defense Ring>Protect Ring
Elf Mantile>Elven Mantile
Salty Rage>Sortilege

Item catagories:
Cross bow/Cross Bow>Crossbow
Stick>Pole (All Sticks/"Rods" are now normalized as Poles because names to these were all over the place in vanilla, and sharing Rod would confuse at least me at certain points.)

Item Names:
Magic Shuriken>Fuma Shuriken

Item Descriptions:
-Spell Effect names updated
-Updated boot items that were once shoes.
-Equip abbreviations updated to account for Dragoon: Ln>Dg

Terrain Descriptions:
-All terrain names are now properly capitalized.
-Updated with new Gemomancy names.
-Fixed erroneous spaces in the descriptions, and removed a bit of untranslated text above Road.
-The instance of two periods before a Geomancy is replace with a colon (on top of looking nicer, this and the spaces make up for the extended names).
-Lava Rocks>Lava Rock

Job Names:
Heaven Knight>Heaven Seer (I didn't want the original translation's vibe to be lost here, but at the same time these are never mentioned as any kind of Knight outside of job name. Seer fits, it's actually more like "user.")
Hell Knight>Hell Seer
Lune Knight>Rune Knight
Arch Angel>Holy Archangel
Arc Duke>Archduke
Arc Knight>Archknight (Yes, this is correct. Ark Knight was still a mistranslation.)
Arc Witch>Archwitch
Knight Blade>Nightblade
Pisco Demon>Piscodemon
Bone Snatch>Bonesnatch
Juravis>Jura Aevis
Steel Hawk>Steelhawk
Wildbow>Wild Boar
Great Morbol>Great Malboro
Archaic Demon>Archaedemon

Unexplored Land Names (This is according to PS1 and GBA version translations, for FFIII it's according to DS):
Shrine of Chaos>Chaos Shrine (In PS1 it is Temple of Chaos, in GBA onward it is Chaos Shrine. We're going with the closer one.)
Magic Continent>Floating Continent (FFVI Reference. In PS1 it is Floating Land, everywhere else it's Floating Continent)
Castle of Trials>Citadel of Trials (FFI Reference. In all versions but NES it is known as this.)
Floating Castle>Flying Fortress (FFI reference, In all versions but NES it's known as the latter.)
Pandemonium>Pandaemonium (In FFIX it's Pandemonium, but it's a reference to FFII's Pandaemonium.)
Magic Train>Phantom Train (FFVI Reference. In PS1 it is Ghost Train, in SNES and GBA/Mobile it is Phantom Train.)
Semite Falls>Semitt Falls (FFII Reference.)
Falgabrid>Falgabard (FFIII Reference.)
Touzas Village>Tozus Village (FFIII Reference.)

Treasure Names (same as above):
Calcobrina>Calcabrina (An exception was made here. In PSP's version of FFIV, which uses the same translation as GBA for the most part, it was corrected to the latter.)
Magi-Sword>Zanmato (Reoccurring weapon.)
M-Fiction Novel>Magic Novel (This is not fiction! Literally this is a textbook, however the description points to a novel.)
Yurgeivoge>Lugae (This is supposed to be an FFIV reference to Dr. Lugae)
Wyuvle>Oeilvert (I also confirmed by sound novel names to make sure. Maybe FFIX references it by the location?)
Excalipar>Excalipoor (this is the most common name for it)
Minu Orb>Minwu Orb (FFII reference to Minwu, also present as an accessory in Tactics Advance.)
Statue of Lylis>Lilith Statue (Biblical reference, possibly also the reoccurring enemy.)
Longibunne Spear>Longinus (Longibunne is a mistranslation, it's known as plain Longinus in GBA remakes of FF games. Can also be known as Lance of Longinus.)

Descriptions of Unexplored Lands and Treasures:
-Updated with the correct names, including Minwu.
-Parasite tree misspelled Yggdrasil, fixed.
-Semitt Falls and Pandaemonium misspelled Palamecian, fixed.
-Citadel of Trials listed "Red Wing" instead of "Red Wings" meaning the FFIV military group. Fixed.
-The reference to Magic Train was kept in Phantom Train, though the main name and above was fixed. It's supposed to be a different name.

-Fixed Sagittarius being mentioned twice on the same line in Gemini’s tip.

Only in TextFix Altered:
Shellbust Thrust>Crush Armor (All swordskills under this patch retain their original name in spell quotes. This is menu only.)
Starbomb Strike>Crush Helm
Hellscream Strike>Crush Weapon
Icewolf Bite>Crush Accessory
Stasis Sword>Judgement Blade
Splitting Strike>Cleansing Strike
Polaris Crush>Northstar Rapture
Lightning Thrust>Hallowed Bolt
Holy Explosion>Divine Runination

Final Fantasy Tactics [NTSC-U] (REDUMP)
MD5: B156BA386436D20FD5ED8D37BAB6B624
SHA256: 29E63BB6D2E7B842FE87F7C0EE03B7076681C34BCC47095CCA27EC53236BF4F9
SHA384: 7A454E1EC7F735D5733765EA73C8F501D8B9DC6A131308D60DB2BF29BB0BAF889F471DB10E6799C95B6D9DD6274A7424
SHA512: EF8513CF06A1656F3FC99796581B30B9E2703DC3D8DC208894F77984E96BC8501FB30D1C3A52C0DDEA7BD3D91526579601ED05FD00D2F9AAEFE0F377E0767A0A
Time to Beat
Main Story 39h 50m
Main + Extras 55h 0m
Speedrun Avg 12h 14m
Release Date
Mar 24, 2016
8 years ago
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